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Roxanne Sax

Roxanne Sax

Funny books goodreads


































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Funniest Books Ever (236 books)

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236 books based on 222 votes: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris, One for the Money by Janeteven a closet blonde with a surprising secret.Buell and Lloyd, two crusty rascals from Socorro, Texas, are about as bent-up a pair of pots as you might find.It?s a lot of laughs and a lot of action.Exploring his favorite topics?how people really live in modern America and what?s truly good and wonderful about our lives?You're Doing Great features 75 quick-take essays.Stand-up comedian, writer, and actress Ali Wong is adding another gig to her already packed resume this fall: author.Exploring his favorite topics?how people really live in.One of them is hiding a murderous heart behind pricey highlights, and Jaine?s out to expose the killer?s dark roots.? ?Publishers Weekly.Their friendship forms the heart of this tale but its lifeblood flows from the characters they meet along the way.It could indeed be said that comedy fiction is literary work that aims primarily to provoke laughter, but this isn't always as obvious as it first may seem.Because blondes have enough fun without getting away with murder.

TAG | Ces livres que je n'ai toujours pas lus (top 5)

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Humor genre: new releases and popular books, including Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies: And Other Rituals to Fix Your Life, from Someone Who's Been There

Funny Book Lists

Groups Discussions Quotes Ask the Author Funniest Books Ever.

Summer Reader Book Tag | Fairy Neverland

Best Humorous Books (3869 books)

Error rating book.Error rating book.Error rating book.Error rating book.Error rating book. Refresh and try again.Read the review posted by ReadingForSanity.Error rating book. Refresh and try again.Error rating book. Refresh and try again.I'd really like if people could spread the word because I'd love for the group to be a success.Error rating book.The stories are non-stop fun and the characters warm and appealing.Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.I think some of the books don't belong here (even if they are great). Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.To add a title to this list, go to the top of the list where you see two tabs on the top right. Popular Funny Books.

Sélection de la Rentrée Littéraire 2015 | Myriam 📖 Un Jour. Un Livre.


Popular Comedy Books

Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.Error rating book.Error rating book.Error rating book. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.Error rating book.Error rating book.Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.Error rating book. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.Error rating book. Refresh and try again.Error rating book. Refresh and try again.Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Funniest Novels of All Time.

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Refresh and try again.Error rating book.Error rating book. Refresh and try again.Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.Error rating book.Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.Error rating book.Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.Error rating book.Error rating book.Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again. Refresh and try again.Error rating book.Groups Discussions Quotes Ask the Author.

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Le TAG des classiques

Best Humorous Books

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Books shelved as hilarious: Wallbanger by Alice Clayton, Freaks I've Met by Donald Jans, Seduction and Snacks by Tara Sivec, Tangled by Emma Chase et The

Favoris | Janvier | Le Livre Ouvert

Lists about: Best Humorous Books, Best Unknown but must be Known books , Funny as Hell!, Dealbreakers: If You Like This Book, We Won't Get Along, Books t....

3,866 books based on 7083 votes: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Wit....

Books shelved as comedy: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, Bossypants by Tina Fey, Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of A...

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